Fire Risk Assessment
In April 2006, the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 came into force in England and Wales. The Order replaced various pieces of legislation relating to fire safety, the main aim being to simplify the requirements of the management of fire safety. The broad approach of the Order is to reduce the risk of fire and spread of fire and this is achieved by means of a 'suitable and sufficient' fire risk assessment. Fire certificates previously issued by the fire authority are no longer valid.
The Order applies to premises including:-
- Offices and shops
- Common parts of commercial buildings
- Premises providing care such as hospitals and care homes
- Pubs, clubs and restaurants
- Educational premises
- Community halls and leisure centres
- Houses with communal areas
- Common parts of blocks of flats
- Hotels and hostels
- Places of worship
- Houses of multiple occupancy
- Factories, warehouses and industrial units
The Order states that every company must conduct a fire risk assessment and if the company or organisation employs more than 5 people, the significant findings must be recorded. The fire risk assessment is the responsibility of the legally designated 'responsible person' within the company or person who has control of the premises (as occupier or otherwise).
Smart FM are fire risk assessment specialists and will act on behalf of the 'responsible person' in conducting your fire risk assessment for you in accordance with the Order. Our consultants are experienced and fully trained fire risk assessors and are members of the Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE),
The fire risk assessment includes the following observations and findings:-
- Description of the property and the relevant legislation
- Information about the property including the fabric detail, number of floors, use of premises and general risk level
- Fire hazards and ignition sources including electrical sources of ignition, heating, storage and housekeeping, external contractors and the possibility of arson
- Means of escape including escape routes, fire exits and the structural integrity
- Fire alarm and fire and smoke detection
- Signage and notices
- Emergency lighting maintenance
- Fire fighting equipment and installations
- Management arrangements including fire safety policy, fire evacuation procuedures and arrangements for evacuation of people with disabilities
- Access for fire services and including ventilation of fire escapes
At the end of the assessment report a clear action plan containing recommendations to reduce the risk of fire and spread of fire is given, including an order of priority for action. Our report includes a six month support service to assist with any queries relating to implementation of the recommended actions.
Our costs for conducting fire risk assessments are extremely competitive and start at £200.00 plus VAT. All costs quoted are fully inclusive.
The cost depends on the size of the premises and the location but some examples of costs are:-
For more information, click here to contact us.